Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Knee replacement surgery

The new backstay chainplate knee is going in - after a big degreasing and sanding effort in the laz I spent a lot of time fitting the core before filleting it in. Next comes tape: 2", 4" biax, offset 4" biax, 6" cloth, 12" cloth. The core is 1/2" Baltic Birch ply - it's a high quality Russian ply with 7 laminations in the 1/2" thickness. It's also void-free - at least so far I haven't found any voids.
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi !
Found your blogg while googeling for chainplates. I'm planning to move my backstay aft and I'm looking for inspiration on how to strengten the attachment so that the U-bolts wont rip through the deck.
What is the black stuff on the knee closest to deck ?

I find it interesting to read and look on your work on the boat, keep it up