Sunday, January 14, 2007

More progress on the chainplates...

I was determined to make good progress on the chainplate replacement project this weekend, and I arrived the boat with an array of wire brushes with which to abrade the stubborn old paint into submission. Chucked up into my mighty B&D 3/8" drill, these brushes finally did the trick. They could reach everywhere and even at the low speed of the drill (1200 RPM) they made fairly quick work of the remaining paint. After a couple hours' work I declared the paint stripping done!

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After stripping was complete, I washed down the knees with acetone and mixed up a batch of epoxy thickened with cabosil. Using a piece of cardboard cut to the proper radius, I applied the thickened epoxy to the base of the knees to form a smooth fillet - something that Pearson/Aeromarine didn't do in the original construction.

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